Hello World!

OMGoodness! I just stumbled across this site and it brought back nostalgic memories of my Geocities days and learning to code in HTML, so I signed up right away.

The HTML editor has live error checking and the host doesn't insert extra code for advertising!

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

More stuff

Here is My Watch2Gether chat room

What songs are we going to sing on Sunday?

What songs did we sing LAST Sunday?




Links for viewing on my Kindle

Network Status

Broadcast media feed (for live sermons)

Announcements Slideshow

Verse of the Day

Fireplace (GIF)


(Experimental) Remote Desktop Sharing over WebRTC

Ask for remote assistance

Give remoted assistance

LiveStream Studio WebControl

Spotify playlist

Last updated March 24, 2022 at home.